Monday, 29 September 2008

29th September 2008

Well, this morning, Donna and Myself were faced with the prospect of a 40 mile journey. I realise that to many of you that doesn’t sound like much of a journey, but you have to remember, we’re only 5 inches tall and our legs don’t reach very far. In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that we had a chauffer, we would still be walking, and this blog would not be up for another year.


Anyway, back to the point, right? After an hour long journey that would have taken us a year, Donna and I arrived in the lovely city of Sunderland in the North East of England. It was a typically cold English day, but you can’t really expect more from an English town, especially one in the North, or so Donna tells me.

After visiting the Pharmacy wing of the city’s university, Donna and I were shown the town by two members of the public who, very kindly, offered to carry us as walking would have taken us ages. There weren’t many interesting things to see, if I’m honest, but the trip was fun, though we did nearly cause a paradox when we entered a toystore and encountered a previous version of myself, as well as my current self when I first became what is now my current self. Oddly, I don’t actually remember meeting my future self, but I probably wouldn’t have known I was who I was as I had no TARDIS with me.


Back to the point. After a quick lunch at a chip shop where, sadly, they used polystyrene trays instead of newspaper, we decided to attend a lecture where we came face to face with acids and bases and amphiprotic solutions. Brilliant. Donna grew bored and restless but what else would you to expect. Plus she was rather hot as she constantly wears that coat (you know, the one she wore on the Planet of the Ood).

I’d better be off, but you can look forward to tomorrows post which will include details of the two hour bus journey home, and mountain climbing up the giant TV set.

All in a days work

MiniDoc x

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